TACoS vs. ACOS: Why Total Advertising Cost of Sales is More Important on Amazon


As Amazon sellers navigate the competitive landscape, mastering advertising strategies is crucial to boost product visibility, drive sales, and achieve success on the platform. While Amazon's Advertising Cost of Sales (ACOS) is a commonly used metric to measure ad performance, savvy sellers are increasingly turning to the Total Advertising Cost of Sales (TACoS) as a more insightful metric. In this article, we will explore the importance of TACoS over ACOS and how it can lead to smarter advertising decisions for sustainable growth.

1. Understanding ACOS and Its Limitations:

Amazon's ACOS represents the percentage of ad spend compared to ad revenue generated. It is calculated by dividing ad spend by ad revenue and is commonly used to evaluate the efficiency of advertising campaigns. While ACOS provides a quick glimpse into profitability, it has limitations:

- Limited Context: ACOS does not consider other key factors impacting profitability, such as organic sales and overall product margins.

- Short-Term Focus: ACOS is focused solely on ad revenue and ad spend within a specific time frame, neglecting long-term growth and customer retention.

2. Introducing TACoS:

TACoS, or Total Advertising Cost of Sales, offers a broader perspective by incorporating both organic and paid sales. It is calculated by dividing total ad spend by total sales (organic and paid) generated during a specific period. TACoS accounts for the entire revenue stream, making it a more comprehensive metric to evaluate advertising success.

3. Benefits of Prioritizing TACoS:

a. Holistic Profitability Analysis: TACoS provides a comprehensive view of how advertising efforts impact overall profitability, considering both paid and organic sales. This helps sellers identify opportunities to optimize ad spend and maximize returns.

b. Long-Term Growth Strategy: TACoS encourages a long-term perspective, focusing on building a strong brand presence and fostering customer loyalty. Balancing short-term profitability with sustainable growth is essential for business success on Amazon.

c. Customer Acquisition Cost: TACoS helps sellers determine the true cost of acquiring customers through advertising efforts. This insight enables sellers to evaluate the efficiency of ad campaigns in attracting new customers and retaining them for repeat purchases.

d. Precision in Bidding Strategies: Armed with TACoS data, sellers can refine their bidding strategies, ensuring they invest in campaigns that align with their target profitability and growth goals.

e. Seasonal and Competitive Insights: TACoS allows sellers to analyze performance across different seasons and monitor the impact of competitor activities on sales and ad spend.


While ACOS provides valuable information for evaluating short-term ad performance, TACoS offers a more comprehensive approach by accounting for both paid and organic sales. It empowers Amazon sellers with the insights needed to make data-driven decisions, optimize ad spend, and achieve sustainable growth. By focusing on TACoS, sellers can align their advertising efforts with long-term profitability and brand-building strategies.

In today's competitive Amazon marketplace, prioritizing TACoS over ACOS can be a game-changer for sellers seeking to unlock their advertising potential and drive long-term success.

If you need expert guidance on optimizing your Amazon advertising strategies and interpreting TACoS data Book a 20 minute call with us today.


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