My Branding Journey: A Passion For Storytelling

Hello… I’m Amy, one of the founding partners of Amazency and I've been immersed in the world of branding for over 20 years. I have always loved storytelling and pretty pictures so I guess a career in branding was destined for me!

 To me, a brand is so much more than just a logo or a visual identity. It's a captivating story that connects deeply with its audience. Here I share my personal journey and the joy I find in creating brands that truly resonate with their audience.

 In the world of business, there are those who see brands as more than just logos or visual identities. They understand that great brands have stories to tell and possess a unique ability to connect with their audience.

 Unveiling the Heart of a Brand:

For me, the heart of a brand lies in its ability to stand out and differentiate itself from the competition. I believe that every brand possesses something special, something that sets it apart. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for uncovering the true essence of a brand, I always start by diving deep into the core of a company, discovering what makes it unique and how to harness that power effectively. Great brands are usually led by people that are truly passionate about their products and to identify a brand’s heart this is always a great place to start.

Creating Emotional Connections:

The most successful brands are those that foster an emotional bond with their customers. Understanding this, I strive to establish a profound connection between brands and their target audience. It is through this emotional connection that brands become more than just products or services; they become an integral part of customers' lives. By infusing a brand's story with genuine emotion, I can create a bridge that resonates and builds loyalty.

 Embracing the Challenge:

While many are drawn to glamorous brands, I honestly find the most joy in working with those that others might overlook. Whether it's within archaic industries or less glamorous markets, I see untapped potential and relish the challenge of breathing new life into these brands. By applying innovative strategies and disruptive thinking, I can unlock opportunities and help transform these brands into captivating forces that trail-blaze within their respective markets.

 Harnessing the Power of Customer Feedback:

As an advocate for continuous improvement, I always recognise the value of customer feedback. Sellers on platforms like Amazon have a direct feedback loop through customer reviews, providing invaluable insights into what customers love, hate, and expect from a brand. I try to embrace this feedback, prepared to face both praise and criticism, as it serves as a compass for keeping brands aligned with what their customers want. It is through this genuine understanding that I can help brands evolve and deliver exceptional experiences.

And Finally:

My passion for creating brands that tell a story and connect deeply with their audience is evident in every aspect of what I do everyday. By getting to the heart of a brand, defining its essence, and fostering emotional connections, I can help transform brands into something that truly resonate with customers on a profound level. With a love for challenges and a belief in the power of customer feedback, I continue to shape the landscape of branding, infusing it with innovation, authenticity, and a touch of magic, all whilst loving what I do and who I do it with!


My Why - Streamlining Operations: Unleashing the Power of Efficient Workflows


Unleashing the Power of Brand Registry on Amazon